
15 2015

Tradition: Celebrating Jewish Community and Culture

12:00PM - 3:45PM  

Alvarez College Union, Davidson College Faculty Drive
Davidson, NC 28036
(704) 894-2140

Hosted by Davidson College, "To Life, To Life, L'Chaim"–the Jewish spirit celebrates life and humanity in each waking moment. This family-oriented festival spotlights the powerful vitality and history of the Jewish people. Highlights include a Klezmer band from New York City, Russian folk dance lessons, storytelling with puppetry, food, art-making for children, a panel talk on "The Making of Fiddler from Russia to Broadway" and a musical excerpt from the college's upcoming production of Fiddler on the Roof.

Sponsor: Theatre & Music Dept & Hillel; the Jewish Council of Lake Norman & the Jewish Fed. of Greater Charlotte