2:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Arts Infusion: Classroom Strategies to Cultivate More Meaningful Jewish Learning
This workshop introduces the Avoda Arts model for enhancing and invigorating curriculum through the deliberate infusion of creative arts strategies. With a mix of hands-on activities, personal reflection and group discussion, this workshop focuses on the core lessons that the arts teach: making content more accessible; encouraging joyful, active learning; helping students make and express personal connections to content; helping students understand and express abstract concepts; stimulating higher-order thinking skills; and building a sense of shared commitment and community. An arts-infused curriculum holds countless possibilities for Jewish learners – join us for a creative, substantive program.
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Dinner Break (food provided to those who are attending both sessions)
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Reel Learning: Short Films to Spark Jewish Connections and Conversations
When used productively, short films can focus learners, trigger an emotional response, and provide a catalyst for thoughtful consideration and discussion of an issue or situation. Short films are particularly potent in congregational school settings, where time is a precious commodity and, as such, screening a lengthy feature film can be challenging. In this workshop, we watch several short films focused on Jewish themes. Structured debrief activities focus on key questions related to the movies. Group discussion focuses on using film to introduce a variety of Jewish subjects –from values and ethics to history and the Holocaust. We will also review criteria for selecting appropriate films for the classroom.
Both workshops are FREE and will be held in the Sam Lerner Center at Shalom Park (inside the LJCC). Avoda Arts Director Deb Krivoy (an educator with 25 years of experience in curriculum design, teacher-training, arts program management, and educational materials development) will be leading these exciting programs.
Space is limited - to RSVP, please email DBlock@shalomcharlotte.org by January 15, 2016
The Levine-Sklut Judaic Library would like to thank the Lenora Stein Fund for Community Creative Learning and the Blumenthal Foundation whose funding, in part, made these workshops possible.
Sponsor: Levine-Sklut Judaic Library & Charlotte Jewish Film Festival