
26 2016

Comparative Religion Series 2016

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Temple Beth El 5101 Providence Road
Charlotte, NC 28226
704-749-3054 (Phone)
704-366-1365 (Fax)

Contact Sue Hummel
704-749-3054 (Phone)
704-366-1365 (Fax)

Please join us for Temple Beth El's 19th Annual Comparative Religion Series: Religion and Politics: Where is the Line? A complete schedule of speakers will be available at www.templebethel.org.

As always, no RSVP's are necessary! This six week series is FREE and open to the public. The format includes a presentation at 7:00pm, followed by a break at 7:50pm, (an opportunity to enjoy cookies and mingle with community participants), a question and answer period at 8:05 pm, and the conclusion of the program at 8:45 pm.

Please check the Temple Beth El website in case of inclement weather. Rescheduling of a particular night of the series will always be posted on the Temple Beth El website, www.templebethel.org. We reserve March 8, 2016 as a snow date.