
8 2015

Intro To Judaism

9:30AM - 11:00AM  

Temple Israel 4901 Providence Rd
Charlotte, NC


Intro to Judaism is NOT a Hebrew school class for adults. Intro to Judaism is an opportunity for self-reflection and growth as we explore our way through Judaism’s greatest ideas, themes, and values. It’s a class for anyone who feels guilty about not being as knowledgeable about Judaism as they think they should be. It’s for people who want to learn how to do Judaism in their home. Like Shabbat and Havdallah rituals. Or for people who want to learn the fundamentals of prayer and to improve their prayer abilities. And it’s also for conversion students, because ultimately, it’s for people who want far more exposure to Judaism than they have had in the past or at all. Costs: Members, $65; Non-Members, $100; Conversion track, $210. For more information or to register, contact the Clergy office at 704.362.2796 or visit www.templeisraelnc.org. *Taught by Rabbi Noam Raucher, in partnership with the Louis & Judith Miller 'Introduction To Judaism Program' at American Jewish University