
2 2014

TBE Israel Shabbat

8:00PM - 9:00PM  

Temple Beth El 5101 Providence Road
Charlotte, NC
704-366-1948 (Phone)
7004-366-1365 (Fax)

Contact Sue Hummel
704-749-3054 (Phone)
704-366-1365 (Fax)

Join us at 8:00 pm as we celebrate Israel Shabbat with a very special guest! Rabbi Miri Gold, rabbi of TBE’s sister congregation, Birkat Shalom on Kibbutz Gezer in Israel, will lift our Israel Shabbaton with her warmth and wisdom. At our Late at Eight Service, Rabbi Gold’s reflections on “Liberal Judaism in Israel: How Far We’ve Come and How Far We Have to Go” will be woven into a meaningful musical program with Israeli and traditional music. Rabbi Gold will also be with us on Saturday morning, May 3rd, at 9:30 am, as we prepare to celebrate Yom Ha’atzma’ut and Israel at 66. For more information, please call 704.366.1948.