
14 2014

TI: First Day of Religious School

9:15AM - 12:15PM  

Temple israel 4901 Providence Road
Charlotte, NC


TEMPLE ISRAEL RELIGIOUS SCHOOL HAS CHANGED TO MEET YOUR NEEDS! We are now providing an equally strong and comprehensive Jewish education in a more accommodating schedule. While the current schedule provides 3.5 hours of instruction to students in grades 3-6 over two days, the new schedule provides 3 hours of classroom time on Sundays and 30-45 minutes of individual on-line Hebrew learning for grades 3-7. Those who seek greater Jewish educational opportunities have the ability to enroll in Tuesday electives. Class time for K-2 increases from 2 to 3 hours, enabling teachers to deepen and expand learning for young children. For more information, please contact the Temple Israel Religious School Office at 704-944-6785 or